View Full Version : TAB daylight robbery

02-16-2020, 05:58 PM
I am not much of a punter.
I always thought the commission deduction on bets was 14.5%

What alerted me to the fact that it is not so was the 3 longshots getting up in R2 at Wedderburn today so I thought I would have a look at how much jackpotted

Imagine my shock when I did the maths on the pool v the jackpot to find out that the difference was 22.5%

So I thought I had better investigate to see if this could be correct

It sure is! Only Win bets gets a 14.5% deduction
Most of the exotics take out 20% with First Four worse at 22.5%

Here is the link but you have to scroll to the very end Appendix A for of course they do not put this sort of info front and centre


I have made a snip but I don't know whether it will be clear enough

I know most of you will know all this but for those of you who have been living in La La Land like me :eek:

06-01-2020, 01:12 PM
More evidence that we seem to have a serious gambling problem in Australia

The Age today reports that from a sample of 13,000 people that dipped into their super nest egg during the covid-19 crisis, they spent on average nearly $3,000 more than usual in the fortnight after receiving the lump sum
Of the extra $2,855 they spent on average $327 was on Gambling, only second to debt repayments ($393) and more than groceries ($320).
This is from people supposedly desperate and needing to access their super early
Admittedly this is 'extra' spending and they may have spent far more on debt and groceries in their 'usual' spending
But $163 a week on gambling (probably considerably more if some of their usual spending goes towards gambling)
This is at a time when there is no casino or pokies open and no football to bet on

I hope they are getting 'entertainment value' from this gambling (at home) as we all know that the TAB takeout from this expenditure is up to 20% so even if an average winner at least $33 a week is a donation (far more we know as the Pro punters live off the tiddlers who therefore rarely achieve average)
Of course some would have gambled zero while others hundreds (this is where the problem lies)
Lotto is probably included as gambling

thetrots.com.au Goodform suggested bets totalled $500 on Saturday
Gamble responsibly

06-07-2020, 09:55 PM
The early Quaddie at Cranbourne has jackpotted, no winners - $8k carryover after $2k pocketed by TAB from $10k pool
Will take another 20% of the $8k when it is added to tomorrow's early Quaddie?