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Thread: Australian Premier Trotting Sale

  1. #11
    Member Filly codywinnell will become famous soon enough
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    Cody Winnell
    Quote Originally Posted by Messenger View Post
    It is all about the heading Cody, IMO the more factual heading would have been 'Prices down 20%' but that is a bit negative. As for that quote - that was their spin - in its 3 yrs the sale has had 35, 36, 40 lots. We will have to agree to disagree - I do appreciate why you were trying to put a positive **** on it.
    Yes, let's agree to disagree on this one.

    With 40 lots, the sale average will jump around a fair bit if you're unlucky - and you can't control lots being withdrawn, some well-represented sires maybe not faring as well in purchasers' eyes than first expected, and numerous other factors. But quite seriously it was good to see more interested bidders than usual IMHO. And having spoken to a few of the buyers, they're very excited about their purchases.

    I reckon a couple of really interesting ones to follow will be lot 35 (Bacardi Lindy/Strapon filly) for $22,000 and lot 15 (Sundon/La Tonneralla colt) for $15,000.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year Adaptor will become famous soon enough
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    Noel Ridge
    The real issue might be that the average for the Skyvalley yearlings was down.compared to pervious crops.
    He had 11 in the catalogue ( as did Bacardi Lindy). THose two between them had nearly half the entries, so if their prices were off the mark, the average would be lower.

    The Bacardi Lindy- Strapon filly has come to Bendigo, and is being mouthed and educated by a very excited owner-trainer.

  3. #13
    Member Filly squaregaiter will become famous soon enough squaregaiter's Avatar
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    Bruce Dalton
    Just to be totally accurate in these figures Bacardi Lindy did have 11 lots in with one withdrawn, leaving 10 to go through, 3 were passed in and 7 were sold for a average of $9600.
    To paint the picture even further there was in 2014 sales 18 stallions represented and this year 17
    also worth noting that the very first of the 2yo races held at Bendigo on the 6th March was won by a 2014 sale entrant (lot 6, 18k so they have half there money back already and was one of only 2 Bacardi Lindy's that were sold at the sale) unfortunately with the depleted field tomorrow none are 2014 graduates

  4. #14
    Member Filly codywinnell will become famous soon enough
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    Cody Winnell
    I don't have the stats in front of me right now, but the success of the APTS to date in terms of buyers finding winners has been very good. Endsino is the obvious headline, but also Livin The Life springs to mind for Michael Hughes, Aldebaran Midnite, Hush Your Majesty, Shared Interest, Gus An Maori for Caleb Lewis, Meadow Valley Road, as mentioned above Cruisin Around - who looks to be loaded with talent, Naked Majesty, Agent Maori. So plenty of nice types and as the sale is still very much in its infancy these have to be good signs.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year Adaptor will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Noel Ridge
    Might be useful to look at the first crops of both Skyvalley and Bacardi Lindy to see what influences prospective buyers:

    Bacardi Lindy's 2009 crop :

    Skyvalley's 2011 crop:

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