Before I answer that question and as the harness industry also contributes over $400m to Victoria’s economy I think it would only be fair of the government to give us $1.5m to develop a master plan for the future of our industry.
The state government has provided $1.5m to the RASV to develop a master plan for the showgrounds
It may be a longshot but it has been suggested that this provides probably Harness Racing’s last opportunity to establish its own City entertainment venue
Do you think we should be having a crack?
Post your opinion or simply vote in the poll
NB We are not talking about a 600m track, we are simply after your opinion as to whether we should be trying to gain a Metro venue
Last edited by Messenger; 08-01-2019 at 08:58 PM.
Before I answer that question and as the harness industry also contributes over $400m to Victoria’s economy I think it would only be fair of the government to give us $1.5m to develop a master plan for the future of our industry.
It has been pointed out to me that less than 12 months ago the racing mimister said the contribution was $600m
If the government was to give us 10% of this ($60m) they could guarantee the future of harness racing with a true metro centre and ensure ongoing annual $600m+ contributions for the good of the state
The potential for increased economic contributions together with direct and indirect employment over the long term while most importantly ensuring viability of the industry in regional Victoria thus maintaining the community
benefits (social and economic) our sport delivers
It is a great case that HRV has to put
Last edited by Messenger; 08-02-2019 at 06:53 PM.
Sounds great Kev but have to ask the question. Where is the proof, or even just evidence supporting, that a $60m investment of taxpayers money into harness racing, and specifically into a true metro centre, (and what exactly is that?) would guarantee the future of harness racing and ensure an ongoing annual contribution of $600m plus for the good of the state?
It is OK to vote No Dot
Of course it is, as is obstaining from voting without sufficient information to make an informed decision.
You are ducking the question Kev. Unsupported claims and nostalgia is not a case for HRV or reason for the state government to dip into the public purse.
Ducking the question - coming from you LOL
For every question I have asked you, you would be lucky to have answered 1 ln 5
I assume they would have to do some modelling with the $1.5m they are giving you
If I could change the poll wording, I would change 'trying' to 'investigating' just for you
Deflecting now Kev, and still no answer to the questions. Being untruthful Kev, is unbecoming of you.
You have written here that $60m for a “true metro centre” would guarantee the future of the industry, and that HRV has a great case, without a scrap of evidence to support that view.
They aren’t giving me anything but I would hope if they were giving $1.5m to profesionals to formulate a master plan for the industry that a wide range of scenarios, including a true metro entertainment centre, or just a small track at a remodeled showgrounds for staging exhibitions on during the show and other events, or a compete relocation of the harness industry to regional areas would be considered.
Regardless of the word trying or investigating in the poll the claims in post 3 need substantiating.
Dot, I am simply over you
You take the fun out of forum
Accuse me of being untruthful - you have got your keyboard warrior pants on again
People don't come on here to view back and forth between me and you
Remember what I said about being gracious - now you need to be 'careful'
Slanging match over
So your only interested in one way traffic, your way Kev, one set of rules for you, another set of rules for others, or is that just for me?
So this statement is true, Kev?
“For every question I have asked you, you would be lucky to have answered 1 ln 5“
That is an outright lie Kev, I was being as you say gracious. You demanded proof from me multiple times in the drivers colours thread, not five questions there, just one repeated multiple times because you weren’t satisfied WITH the answer, which is never the less an answer, Show me where I haven’t answered another of your questions, just once, let alone multiple times.
DOUBLE standards Kev, you demand proof multiple times of the benefits of driver colours, something that requires no major investment from the industry or the government, just a small amount of internal tweaking from participants and media within the industry to try. And no harm done if it doesn’t work.
Yet you are quite happy to post without a shred of evidence or proof the following:
“If the government was to give us 10% of this ($60m) they could guarantee the future of harness racing with a true metro centre and ensure ongoing annual $600m+ contributions for the good of the state
The potential for increased economic contributions together with direct and indirect employment over the long term while most importantly ensuring viability of the industry in regional Victoria thus maintaining the community
benefits (social and economic) our sport delivers
It is a great case that HRV has to put”
I have my doubts you originally wrote those words Kev, the language is very familiar to me.
Just like that, no evidence, no proof, no questions asked, and $60m, yes that’s 60 million dollars, invested in building a “true metro centre” is guaranteed to secure the future of the industry. Just like that. Despite Harold Park being a “true Metro Centre” and failing, Despite Gloucester Park being a “true Metro Centre”, and the writing being on the wall, attendance tracking exactly the same way as Harold Park. And Yonkers in New York recently purchased by MGM resorts and immediately onsold to its Real Estate Investment Trust arm for redevelopment into a resort and full casino, and the track to be relocated out of New York City. All of those your preferred 800m ccts which are “exciting” to spectators.
And I’m the one not being gracious Kev? Your efforts to keep the forum going are appreciated but you seem to have lost sight that the industry, not only the forum, is just “fun” for you, you admit you have no skin in the game, where for most if not all the rest of us posting or reading we do, some substantially so, and others reliant on the industry for their livelihoods.
But I get it now Kev, this is just your happy place, somewhere for you to indulge in fantasy, never mind the industry and its woes are very real for many of us. Never mind having an earnest discussion, just agree with Kev’s views, don’t question claims in Kev posts, or you, or once again is that just I, have to be “careful”. The teacher coming out in you Kev, well I’m not your student.
Don’t worry Kev, I’ve just walked out on your class, under those fantasy only terms I’ll no longer post.