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Thread: Are HRV going to offer breeders anything ?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year gutwagon will become famous soon enough gutwagon's Avatar
    Real Name
    Rick Mckinley
    Peaces Of You, Final Peace.

    Are HRV going to offer breeders anything ?

    Both NSW and QLD are offering great deals to broodmare owners to breed in their state. Money for a positive test, money for a live foal, discounts on local stallions and more. How does HRV plan to stop people sending their mares interstate ? The Vicbred bonus is only for winners, we need better incentive to breed . All costs are going up and there's that dreaded stallion tax !
    Don't die wondering !

  2. #2
    Senior Member Stallion Showgrounds is just really nice Showgrounds is just really nice
    Real Name
    Trevor Brown
    Quote Originally Posted by gutwagon View Post
    Both NSW and QLD are offering great deals to broodmare owners to breed in their state. Money for a positive test, money for a live foal, discounts on local stallions and more. How does HRV plan to stop people sending their mares interstate ? The Vicbred bonus is only for winners, we need better incentive to breed . All costs are going up and there's that dreaded stallion tax !
    Good point. There are no incentives like NSW and QLD and NZ will soon top them both with a scheme that indicates you would be crazy to leave a mare empty over there.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year gutwagon will become famous soon enough gutwagon's Avatar
    Real Name
    Rick Mckinley
    Peaces Of You, Final Peace.
    I just sold my broodmare, couldn't bare sending her to NSW.
    Don't die wondering !

  4. #4
    Senior Member Stallion Showgrounds is just really nice Showgrounds is just really nice
    Real Name
    Trevor Brown
    My two old girls are staring at me as I look out the window now. Forget it girls, you are 29 and 30 years old!

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