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Thread: Onya Fred

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Onya Fred

    Hey Fred, some great calling there & all night long too mate, nice work.
    Particularly impressed with you picking the right ponies in tight finishes. New PA system out there is so much better, I was standing with Adrian, Mark, Ben & Matty up there in front of the 2nd grandstand thingo and about 30ft or so from where the first marquee is and I heard you loud & clear. Really good. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Nice one Fred but I'd have to say that's the last Miracle Mile you will be calling. G Hayes has just been announced as the new Menangle caller.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Foal steve will become famous soon enough
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    stephen ward
    Have a look at the replay of race 4 and see who he calls going into the back the first time
    Last edited by steve; 11-27-2011 at 04:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year Greg Hando will become famous soon enough
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    Greg Hando
    Central West NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    Have a look at the replay of race 4 and see who he calls going to the front going out of the back
    Going out of the back he called Ayu Gypsy in front was that not the horse in front at that time ?
    Have whoever you want on but don't ever have yourself on

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Horse Of The Year David Summers will become famous soon enough David Summers's Avatar
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    David Summers
    Jaimie , we who were not able to attend in person last night watched the MM on Sky. What a mess ! After listening to Mick Guerin ramble on incessantly for the last few minutes before the race , then they crossed to Fred Hastings as the arms were about to fold back....... dead silence , nothing , no sound at all! No sound until past the first quarter post and then , I think it was Greg Hayes or Adam Hamilton , switched on his mike and tried to call the race.

    Then somehow a very low volume call from Fred was heard in the background calling the race , fading in and out. It was very distracting and we missed most of the action in the vital first quarter.

    These things happen , but why on the biggest night of the year when so many first-time viewers would be watching. BTW, absolutely no fault of Fred. It's the usual Sky "technical difficulties" stuff-up that has plagued them for 20 years :-(
    Last edited by David Summers; 11-27-2011 at 10:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Horse Of The Year David Summers will become famous soon enough David Summers's Avatar
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    David Summers
    BTW, I agree about Fred's calls on the night. So accurate in a tight finish. Well done Fred, hope you have your feet up having a cold one today.

  7. #7
    Senior Member 2YO doinmabest has a spectacular aura about
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    Fred Hastings
    Thanks boys.... Appreciate the feedback...
    Aussie, I will be locking haysie out of the box... Seriously, he did a terrific job under the circumstances. No one can tell me what went wrong with the audio. I can tell you David that the fading in and out was an attempt to Try and patch into the on course PA system, hence the sound quality. Haysie told me normal audio was restored by the 1000m. Obviously a disappointing outcome for all.
    Steve, I have followed the boys tip and had a few quiet ales and will review my calls tomorrow. If I erred in the 4th, advance apologies.... To be frank in all the build up to the big night, I don't remember who I may of called into the back.... So apologies if it was not right....

  8. #8
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year Greg Hando will become famous soon enough
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    Greg Hando
    Central West NSW
    Good call Fred I was only able listen to the race on the wireless and only missed the start to the winning post but knew where everybody was during the call it must be the link from Sky to the track somehow or does the wireless have a different link ?
    Don't apologise Fred you called the right horse going out of the back and now the post has been edited to read into the back
    Mind in motion before mouth into gear or should i say keyboard perhap's before people post cause all it does is make them look a little silly at times
    On another note after watching the replay's geez Garnet River's run looked very odd to me but i might be a suspicious person perhap's
    Have whoever you want on but don't ever have yourself on

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by doinmabest View Post
    Thanks boys.... Appreciate the feedback...
    Aussie, I will be locking haysie out of the box... Seriously, he did a terrific job under the circumstances. No one can tell me what went wrong with the audio. I can tell you David that the fading in and out was an attempt to Try and patch into the on course PA system, hence the sound quality. Haysie told me normal audio was restored by the 1000m. Obviously a disappointing outcome for all.
    Steve, I have followed the boys tip and had a few quiet ales and will review my calls tomorrow. If I erred in the 4th, advance apologies.... To be frank in all the build up to the big night, I don't remember who I may of called into the back.... So apologies if it was not right....
    Yeah; Hayes did do a good job all jokes aside.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Hando View Post
    Good call Fred I was only able listen to the race on the wireless and only missed the start to the winning post but knew where everybody was during the call it must be the link from Sky to the track somehow or does the wireless have a different link ?
    Don't apologise Fred you called the right horse going out of the back and now the post has been edited to read into the back
    Mind in motion before mouth into gear or should i say keyboard perhap's before people post cause all it does is make them look a little silly at times
    On another note after watching the replay's geez Garnet River's run looked very odd to me but i might be a suspicious person perhap's
    Garnet River always races like that. Adam Hamilton even made comment pre race about his style.

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