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Thread: Tranexamic acid to be used by VIC Paramedics

  1. #1
    Senior Member Stallion Triple V will become famous soon enough Triple V's Avatar
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    Jaimie Varcoe
    Sydney, NSW

    Angry Tranexamic acid to be used by VIC Paramedics

    It's worth noting that the very substance that not so long ago Harness Racing Administrators across Australia got themselves in a big knicker knot about...tranexamic acid (Cyclokapron) about to be trialled in VIC by Ambulance Paramedics specifically for use in trauma patients who have been injured in road accidents in order to prevent or greatly reduce internal bleeding and blood clots travelling throughout the circulatory system.
    The single biggest animal health & welfare issue we face in Horse Racing is EIPH (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage) and yet, while it's considered to be a good thing for this drug to be given to human car crash victims in order to reduce the loss of life...we can't give it to our race horses in order to totally prevent or at the very least greatly reduce the incidence of them bleeding into the lungs & upper airways during a race. Insane, absolutely %$#!ing insane.

  2. #2
    Senior Member 2YO Pena will become famous soon enough
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    Jack Peters
    VVV, I have not posted for a few days as I have had to have a triple bypass after the shock of you agreeing with me last week.

    To be honest I am a bit 50/50 on this issue, as the battle between longevity of a horses career versus the use of drugs to treat bleeding etc is quite subjective and to be honest. As I have not ever driven a pacer, but have seen plenty of horses collapse in races I really do not think that I would want this horse in the race. I know they do it in the US and from what I see on the TV it is quite clean even though they race alot more spread out and not at as close quarters I still think the line between usable drugs and non usable drugs is a very difficult balance.

    I think issues that need to be addressed sooner than later are

    Field Sizes - The fields at Menangle for the last couple of months have been a disgrace. I wonder if this ridiculous import fee on NZ horses are the issue. If HR Aust is trying to improve breeding in this country by making it more expensive to import horses is ridiculous. The field sizes are so poor a $40k at Menagle on Saturday only had 6 horses, it is absolutely ridiculous.

    Change of Tactics - The use of initiative is becoming dead. The pathetic slap on the wrist in the Miracle Mile was a disgrace if HRNSW stewards really believe in this rule. Scrap it and let drivers use their own brain.

    Slow Sectionals - Instead of the driver being fined for slow sectionals, the 9 drivers behind him should be fined for letting him go so slow. If a horse is used out of the gate why should he have to go a certain speed to allow the drivers that show no initiative behind them a chance to win.

    Drivers/Trainers Fines - I would wonder how an Australian Cricketer would feel if they were fined multiple times their match payment. They are getting in an Restricted race $33 per drive and I have seen fines that are many times both their percentage and their drivers fee combined. Its a hard enough industry to make a living without the stewards taking away their income. Surely if a cricketer is fined 25% of his $10k match fee for a slow overrate, drivers should not be penalised more than their driving fee and percentage for an indiscretion. Surely the maximum fine should be restricted to $ earned and if it serious enough suspend. Facts are most of these fines are for minor indiscretions.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Stallion Danno is a jewel in the rough
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    Dan Gibson
    Hunter Valley NSW Australia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple V View Post
    It's worth noting that the very substance that not so long ago Harness Racing Administrators across Australia got themselves in a big knicker knot about...tranexamic acid (Cyclokapron) about to be trialled in VIC by Ambulance Paramedics specifically for use in trauma patients who have been injured in road accidents in order to prevent or greatly reduce internal bleeding and blood clots travelling throughout the circulatory system.
    The single biggest animal health & welfare issue we face in Horse Racing is EIPH (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage) and yet, while it's considered to be a good thing for this drug to be given to human car crash victims in order to reduce the loss of life...we can't give it to our race horses in order to totally prevent or at the very least greatly reduce the incidence of them bleeding into the lungs & upper airways during a race. Insane, absolutely %$#!ing insane.
    G'day Jamie,
    I can honestly say I do not know how this particular drug would help a horse who might be inclined to bleed during exertion, i can see the reasoning behind the ambo trial, however, i cannot see how that translates.

    For the sake of the rest of us can you explain how the drug works on a EIPH risk horse in a racing situation.


  4. #4
    Senior Member 2YO Viv Strangman will become famous soon enough
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    Viv Strangman
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple V View Post
    It's worth noting that the very substance that not so long ago Harness Racing Administrators across Australia got themselves in a big knicker knot about...tranexamic acid (Cyclokapron) about to be trialled in VIC by Ambulance Paramedics specifically for use in trauma patients who have been injured in road accidents in order to prevent or greatly reduce internal bleeding and blood clots travelling throughout the circulatory system.
    The single biggest animal health & welfare issue we face in Horse Racing is EIPH (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage) and yet, while it's considered to be a good thing for this drug to be given to human car crash victims in order to reduce the loss of life...we can't give it to our race horses in order to totally prevent or at the very least greatly reduce the incidence of them bleeding into the lungs & upper airways during a race. Insane, absolutely %$#!ing insane.
    Couldnt agree more. Its just a matter of time before the animal rights brigade turn the spotlight on what is in simple terms, cruelty. EIPH is a fact of life for racehorses and yet we stand bye and do nothing. It affects their health, performance and longevity. It is not a sustainable position. As owners and breeders we spend a fortune getting horses to the racetrack and then stand idly by when they race knowing they are suffering . If we want to continue to race horses, then their welfare must be front and centre. If we as stakeholders dont address this issue then at some point change will be forced on us.

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